Link React Component

    Link is main component to create links for navigation, custom actions, switching tabs, open/close panels, etc.

    Link Components

    There are following components included:

    • Link / F7Link

    Link Properties

    Prop Type Default Description
    <Link> properties
    noLinkClass boolean Removes "link" class
    tabLink string
    Enables tab link and specify CSS selector of the target tab (if specified as a string)
    tabLinkActive boolean Makes this tab link active
    text string Link text
    noFastClick boolean Disables fast click
    badge string
    Badge count
    badgeColor string Badge color. One of the default colors
    iconOnly boolean Enable when used in navbar/toolbar with icon only inside
    tooltip string Link tooltip text to show on link hover/press
    <Link> Smart Select related properties
    smartSelect boolean false Enables Smart Select behavior
    smartSelectParams object Object with Smart Select Parameters
    <Link> icon related properties
    iconSize string
    Icon size in px
    iconColor string Icon color. One of the default colors
    icon string Custom icon class
    iconF7 string Name of F7 Icons font icon
    iconMaterial string Name of Material Icons font icon
    iconFa string Name of Font Awesome font icon
    iconIon string Name of Ionicons font icon
    iconIos string Icon to be used in case of iOS theme is used. Consists of icon family and icon name divided by colon, e.g. f7:home or ion:home
    iconMd string Icon to be used in case of MD theme is used. Consists of icon family and icon name divided by colon, e.g. material:home or fa:home
    iconBadge string
    Adds badge to the icon (intended to be used in Tabbar's icons)
    <Link> navigation/router related properties
    href string
    # URL of the page to load. In case of boolean href="false" it won't add href tag
    target string Value of link target attribute, e.g. _blank, _self, etc.
    view string CSS selector of the View to load the page
    external boolean Enable to bypass Framework7's link click handler
    back boolean Enables back navigation link
    force boolean Force page to load and ignore previous page in history (use together with back prop)
    reloadCurrent boolean Reloads new page instead of the currently active one
    reloadPrevious boolean Replace the previous page in history with the new one from route
    reloadAll boolean Load new page and remove all previous pages from history and DOM
    animate boolean Disables pages animation
    ignoreCache boolean Ignores caching
    routeTabId string Routable Tab id
    routeProps object Object with additional props that will be passed to target route component
    <Link> action related properties
    panelOpen string
    Defines panel to open. Can be left or right
    panelClose boolean Closes panel on click
    actionsOpen string
    CSS selector of the action sheet to open on click
    actionsClose string
    CSS selector of the action sheet to close on click. Or boolean property to close currently opened action sheet
    popupOpen string
    CSS selector of the popup to open on click
    popupClose string
    CSS selector of the popup to close on click. Or boolean property to close currently opened popup
    popoverOpen string
    CSS selector of the popover to open on click
    popoverClose string
    CSS selector of the popover to close on click. Or boolean property to close currently opened popover
    sheetOpen string
    CSS selector of the sheet modal to open on click
    sheetClose string
    CSS selector of the sheet modal to close on click. Or boolean property to close currently opened sheet modal
    loginScreenOpen string
    CSS selector of the login screen to open on click
    loginScreenClose string
    CSS selector of the login screen to close on click. Or boolean property to close currently opened login screen
    sortableEnable string
    CSS selector of the Sortable list to open on click
    sortableDisable string
    CSS selector of the Sortable list to close on click. Or boolean property to close currently opened Sortable list
    sortableToggle string
    CSS selector of the Sortable list to toggle on click. Or boolean property to toggle currently opened/closed Sortable list
    searchbarEnable string
    CSS selector of the Expandable Searchbar to be enabled on click. Or boolean property to enable the first found Searchbar
    searchbarDisable string
    CSS selector of the Expandable Searchbar to be disabled on click. Or boolean property to disable the first found Searchbar
    searchbarToggle string
    CSS selector of the Expandable Searchbar to toggle on click. Or boolean property to toggle the first found Searchbar
    searchbarClear string
    CSS selector of the Expandable Searchbar to clear on click. Or boolean property to clear the first found Searchbar

    Link Events

    Event Description
    <Link> events
    click Event will be triggered after click on a link


    Navigation Link

    <Link href="/about/">About</Link>

    Back Navigation Link

    <Link back>Back</Link>

    With Router Parameters

    <Link href="/about/" animate={false} ignoreCache={true}>About</Link>

    External Link

    <Link href="" external>Google</Link>

    Tab Link

    {/* Tabs  */}
      <Tab id="tab-1" tabActive>Tab 1</Tab>
      <Tab id="tab-1">Tab 2</Tab>
    {/* Switch Between Tabs  */}
    <Link tabLink="#tab-1" tabLinkActive>Show Tab 1</Link>
    <Link tabLink="#tab-2">Show Tab 2</Link>

    Routable Tabs

    {/* Tabs  */}
      <Tab id="tab-1"></Tab>
      <Tab id="tab-2"></Tab>
    {/* Switch Between Tabs  */}
    <Link tabLink routeTabId="tab-1" href="/tabs/">Show Tab 1</Link>
    <Link tabLink routeTabId="tab-2" href="/tabs/tab-2/">Show Tab 2</Link>

    Open And Close Panel

    <Link panelOpen="left">Open Left Panel</Link>
    <Link panelClose>Close Panel</Link>

    Open and Close Popup

    <Link popupOpen="#my-popup">Open Popup</Link>
    <Link popupClose="#my-popup">Close Popup</Link>

    With Icon & Color

    <Link iconF7="home" text="Home" color="red"></Link>