Get Started
Router / Navigation
- App / Core
- Accordion / Collapsible
- Action Sheet / Actions
- Autocomplete
- Badge
- Block / Content Block
- Button
- Calendar / Datepicker
- Cards
- Checkbox
- Chips / Tags
- Contacts List
- Data Table
- Dialog
- Elevation
- Floating Action Button / FAB
- Form Data / Storage
- Gauge
- Grid / Layout Grid
- Icons
- Infinite Scroll
- Inputs / Form Inputs
- Lazy Load
- Link
- List View
- List Index
- Login Screen
- Messagebar
- Messages
- Navbar
- Notification
- Page
- Panel / Side Panels
- Photo Browser
- Picker
- Popover
- Popup
- Preloader
- Progressbar
- Pull to Refresh
- Radio
- Range Slider
- Searchbar
- Sheet Modal
- Smart Select
- Sortable List
- Statusbar
- Stepper
- Subnavbar
- Swiper
- Swipeout
- Tabs
- Timeline
- Toast
- Toggle
- Toolbar / Tabbar
- Tooltip
- Video Intelligence (vi)
- View / Router
- Virtual List
Framework7 Icons
Fast Clicks
Plugins API
Lazy Modules
Custom Build
iPhone X Styles
With the iPhone X release, Apple introduced so called "safe areas", when the app UI must include additional top/bottom spacing (to consider top notch and new bottom bar) in portrait orientation and additional left/righ spacing (to consider left/right notch) in landscape orientation.
In portrait orientation Framework7 will do required styles modifications automatically, but in landscape orientation some additional classes must be added to elements:
- add to element that is stick to left/right screen edges in landscape orientationios-left-edge
- add to element that is stick to the left screen edge in landscape orientationios-right-edge
- add to element that is stick to the right screen edge in landscape orientationno-ios-edges
- add to element which is is inside ofios-edges
to remove additional horizontal spacingno-ios-left-edge
- add to element which is is inside ofios-edges
to remove additional left spacingno-ios-right-edge
- add to element which is is inside ofios-edges
to remove additional right spacing
The following elements don't require such classes:
- Popup, Sheet - already considered as full screen elements that is required extra spacing on both left and right sides
- Left Panel - already considered as element that is stick to the left screen edge and requires extra spacing on left side
- Right Panel - already considered as element that is stick to the right screen edge and requires extra spacing on right side
Here is the example app layout with such classes:
<!-- app root -->
<div id="app">
<!-- statusbar -->
<div class="statusbar"></div>
<!-- left panel doesn't require any additional classes -->
<div class="panel panel-left panel-cover">
<!-- right panel doesn't require any additional classes -->
<div class="panel panel-right panel-reveal">
<!-- main view, full-wide element, add "ios-edges" class -->
<div class="view view-main view-init ios-edges" data-url="/">
<div class="page">
<div class="navbar">
<div class="page-content">
<!-- full-wide list, will inherit ios-edges from view -->
<div class="list">
<!-- full-wide content block, will inherit ios-edges from view -->
<div class="block">
two-columns blocks: need to
- remove extra spacing on right side for left block
- remove extra spacing on left side for right block
<div class="row">
<!-- remove right spacing on left block -->
<div class="block col no-ios-right-edge">
<!-- remove left spacing on right block -->
<div class="block col no-ios-left-edge">
<script src="../packages/core/js/framework7.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/routes.js"></script>
<script src="js/app.js"></script>