Photo Browser Vue Component

    Photo Browser is an photo browser component to display collection of photos / images. Photos can be zoomed and panned (optional).

    Photo Browser Vue component represents Framework7's Photo Browser component.

    Photo Browser Vue component doesn't render any output. It can be used to create JS Photo Browser instance and control it inside of your Vue component.

    Photo Browser Component

    There are following components included:

    • f7-photo-browser

    Photo Browser Properties

    You can pass all parameters in single params property or use separate props for each parameter to specify them via component properties:

    Prop Type Default Description
    <f7-photo-browser> properties
    init boolean true Initializes Photo Browser
    params Object Object with Photo Browser parameters
    photos array [] Array with URLs of photos or array of objects with "url" (or "html") and "caption" properties.
    url string photos/ Photo browser modal URL that will be set as a current route
    routable-modals boolean true Will add opened photo browser to router history which gives ability to close photo browser by going back in router history and set current route to the photo browser modal
    swiper object Object with Swiper parameters. By default equals to:
    swiper: {
      initialSlide: 0,
      spaceBetween: 20,
      speed: 300,
      loop: false,
      preloadImages: true,
      navigation: {
        nextEl: '.photo-browser-next',
        prevEl: '.photo-browser-prev',
      zoom: {
        enabled: true,
        maxRatio: 3,
        minRatio: 1,
      lazy: {
        enabled: true,
    virtualSlides boolean true When enabled then Swiper will use Virtual Slides
    exposition boolean true Enable disable exposition mode when clicking on Photo Browser.
    exposition-hide-captions boolean false Set to true if you also want to hide captions in exposition mode
    swipe-to-close boolean true You can close Photo Browser with swipe up/down when this parameter is enabled
    type string standalone Define how Photo Browser should be opened. Could be standalone (will be opened as an overlay with custom transition effect), popup (will be opened as popup), page (will be injected to View and loaded as a new page).
    theme string light Photo Browser color theme, could be light or dark
    captions-theme string Captions color theme, could be also dark or light. By default, equal to "theme" parameter
    navbar boolean true Set to false to remove Photo Browser's Navbar
    toolbar boolean true Set to false to remove Photo Browser's Toolbar
    back-link-text string Close Text on back link in Photo Browser's Navbar
    navbar-of-text string of Text of "of" in photos counter: "3 of 5"
    icons-color string One of the default colors

    Photo Browser Events

    Event Description
    <f7-photo-browser> events
    photobrowser:open Event will be triggered on Photo Browser open.
    photobrowser:opened Event will be triggered after Photo Browser completes its opening animation
    photobrowser:close Event will be triggered on Photo Browser close.
    photobrowser:closed Event will be triggered after Photo Browser completes its closing animation
    photobrowser:swipetoclose This event will be triggered when user close Photo Browser with swipe up/down.

    Photo Browser Methods

    The following Photo Browser components methods are available (e.g. by accesing it via $refs):

    <f7-photo-browser> methods
    .open(index); Open Photo Browser on photo with index number equal to "index" parameter. If "index" parameter is not specified, it will be opened on last closed photo.
    .close(); Close Photo Browser
    .expositionToggle(); Toggle exposition mode
    .expositionEnable(); Enable exposition mode
    .expositionDisable(); Disable exposition mode

    Access To Photo Browser Instance

    You can access Photo Browser initialized instance by accessing .f7PhotoBrowser component's property.


        <f7-navbar title="Photo Browser"></f7-navbar>
          <p>Photo Browser could be opened in a three ways - as a Standalone component (Popup modification), in Popup, and as separate Page:</p>
              <f7-button raised @click="$">Standalone</f7-button>
              <f7-button raised @click="$">Popup</f7-button>
              <f7-button raised @click="$">Page</f7-button>
          <p>Photo Browser suppots 2 default themes - default Light (like in previous examples) and Dark theme. Here is a Dark theme examples:</p>
              <f7-button raised @click="$">Standalone</f7-button>
              <f7-button raised @click="$">Popup</f7-button>
              <f7-button raised @click="$">Page</f7-button>
      export default {
        data() {
          return {
            photos: [
                url: 'img/beach.jpg',
                caption: 'Amazing beach in Goa, India',
                url: 'img/monkey.jpg',
                caption: 'I met this monkey in Chinese mountains',
                url: 'img/mountains.jpg',
                caption: 'Beautiful mountains in Zhangjiajie, China',